Security awareness

Published on: November 12th, 2014


Security awareness among your employees is your first line of defense against a data breach.

See some tips to increase awareness for a more secure business.

1. Get a baseline. Collect metrics before implementing awareness efforts so you have a reference for the effects of the efforts. Metrics could vary, from outcomes of internal phishing to tracking the number of visits to forbidden websites. This way, you can measure efforts objectively.

2. Activate Management support.-Customize newsletters, email, and meeting on security awareness.

3. Involve all other managers such as human resources, marketing and legal, as they can often make security awareness for existing and new employee.

4. Emphasize “how,” not “don’t do.” Be realistic.

5. Re-evaluate in 120-day cycles. Every 4 months, re-evaluate the awareness plan. Studies show this approach is most effective.

6. Make it personal. We are a selfish species and that’s not a bad thing. Being selfish is how we’ve survived over the ages. Discuss security awareness as it pertains to individual personal security.

First you must increase security awareness in your businesses. CT Provide services for Vulnerability assessments identify weaknesses present in client’s network that posses the potential for exploit by an attack. Penetration testing goes step by step further, allowing to see consequences of skilled attacker exploiting these weaknesses. Contact us at 973.628.0041 We can HELP.


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