RMM-Remote Monitoring and Maintenance

Published on: November 12th, 2014


Managed Service Providers (MSP) employ Remote Monitoring and Maintenance (RMM) tools to manage their clients’ IT systems and equipment. RMM can be described as a collection of IT tools that are loaded onto a client’s workstations and servers to gather information. These RMM tools collect information on a variety of issues such as functionality, maintenance schedules and the detection of problems, and then automatically reports the details back to the MSP at a remote location.

If that brief description of RMM still makes it a little difficult to envision, consider credit monitoring services as a comparable type of service. Credit monitoring services are based on the continuous monitoring of a customer’s credit status. Many of us use credit monitoring services to prevent identity theft, fraud and to stay informed about any changes in our credit reports. If there is any suspicious activity within a customer’s account, the credit protection service alerts the customer within 24 hours. The alert can come via an e-mail that states, “Hello Customer – please verify that you used your credit card last night to buy $3000 worth of shoes at a resort in the Bahamas.” Good to know, right?

Additionally, the monitoring service keeps you informed about inquiries on your credit report, late payments and changes to your credit rating. These automated alerts enable consumers to take swift action as needed. Other widely used monitoring services include messages from your health care provider reminding you that it’s time for your annual physical and lab tests. If we didn’t get those proactive reminders, we might forget to make the appointment for our car’s oil change or the dog’s rabies shots at the vet’s office.

RMM is a somewhat similar type of service in that it is continuously monitoring the “health” of your technology. RMM is not only looking for problems, inefficiencies and viruses, it enables technicians to actually conduct repairs from a remote location. Plus RMM not only monitors workstations and servers, but also firewalls, printers, and mobile devices. The RMM reporting system is so efficient that the MSP can often correct a problem before you are even aware of the issue. RMM also automates scheduled maintenance tasks such as managing and deploying operating system updates; defragmenting hard disks; sending backup verifications ; running antivirus application updates and more. With a RMM solution in place, the System Administrator no longer needs to think about a schedule for maintenance, systems patches or alerts for updates. Your business is covered, because RMM is working behind the scenes in tandem with the MSP at an offsite location.

The Benefits of RMM

Business owners are always on the lookout for new solutions that will cut costs and increase efficiency. That’s the name of the game when it comes to maintaining your business’ competitive position in the marketplace. If you haven’t considered a RMM solution for your business, let Computer Troubleshooters outline the benefits.

Save time and money by eliminating onsite IT management and manual repairs that are handled by an overworked staff member. You can save money on infrastructure and cut employee costs with a RMM solution. All of your equipment can be managed from a centralized remote location with real-time information sent to certified professionals. If your business has more than one location, RMM is a perfect solution. Plus, the repairs and upgrades are handled at an offsite location with minimal interruptions. Remember, you can redirect your IT expenditures to more valuable uses for your business. With a RMM solution, your business can produce more results while spending less money!

Increase Your Efficiency by minimizing costly technology disruptions. No business owner, employee or customer wants to waste time because the network is down due to unexpected problems, maintenance or upgrades that have taken longer than anticipated. RMM will minimize downtime through proactive remote monitoring of your network. You can rely on the early detection of problems and swift repairs. If you want to forget about those sudden “disc space is full” messages, RMM can be the answer.
Gain the Competitive Edge by improving customer satisfaction with increased operational efficiency. Provide enhanced service with up-to-date data and accurate inventory counts because your internal systems are functioning efficiently. Avoid the much dreaded “our network is currently down” conversation with a customer. Enhance your sales efficiency and increase your revenues with RMM troubleshooting the problems in advance. You can stay a step ahead of the competition when you lower operating costs and redirect your resources to support the true goals of your business.
Our office, CT Business Technology is here to help you when it comes to RMM and other technology solutions. Call us at 973.628.0041 or Email us at [email protected]


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