What is a Bit Torrent

Published on: February 27th, 2015

Bit Torrent is a file distribution methodology for sharing files across the internet. Like other file sharing services, the Bit Torrent service does not actually store the file but maintains a catalog of the “member network” and the files that member has. When you’re looking for a file you search the Bit Torrent and it identifies who has that file and allows you to download it from that member. What is unique about Bit Torrents is if multiple members have the same file, it will grab different pieces (bits) from the different location then stich the file back together on your computer. The net effect is the download of that file to your computer is faster. This might sound like a great use of technology however they extremely dangerous.  They break rule 1.a of computer safety 101 – “never download or open anything from anyone that you do not know”. With Bit Torrents you offend do not even know which “member(s)” have the file. How do you know that file does not contain malware, a virus, or is not copyrighted? You don’t. Bit Torrents are a common source of infections and pirated copy righted materials.  Next, you typically have no control over who has access to your files.   The files you share are shared with every member of the Bit Torrents network. Last, most user of Bit Torrents are also totally unaware that they are sharing files from there computer and totally unaware what they sharing.   Bit Torrents’ should be avoided and forbidden on your computers and networks.

BTW if you are on one of our Managed service plans or monitor Anti-Malware and Content filtering plans we block Bit Torrents


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