What is your biggest gripe about your current Computer Company/Technician? Please help with this survey... - Computer Troubleshooters Huntsville

What is your biggest gripe about your current Computer Company/Technician? Please help with this survey…

Published on: October 24th, 2016

What’s your biggest complaint about your current, or past, PC Technician or Company?

Not showing up on time (please tell us about it)
Not fixing the problem (please tell us about it)
Not quick enough to respond (please tell us about it)
Doesn’t understand the problem (please tell us about it)
Body odor or bad breath (please tell us about it)
They don’t explain what they did (please tell us about it)
Problem is worse (please tell us about it)
Other (what is it?)

We really want to know what your thoughts are so we know the issues before they become one and so that we can educate ourselves.


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